Cape Cleveland Light House

The Cape Cleveland Lighthouse is an active, heritage-listed lighthouse marking the northern point of Cape Cleveland and the hazardous reefs and rocks situated on the approach to Cleveland Bay. The lighthouse is located approximately 21.2 km from the South Townsville Boat Park or 25.6 km from the Palleranda Boat Ramp and the beach access to the lighthouse has the following GPS coordinates S19 11 05.8 E147 00 54.4 Google Map Link The lighthouse is located on a northerly facing promontory approximately 53 m above sea level and displays a flashing multi coloured sector light every 7.5 seconds. The red sector which projects into Bowling Green Bay signifies the hazardous navigational area between Salamander Reef and Four Foot Rock. The Bowling Green Bay side of the promontory has a very rugged and scenic coastline which is great for photographing and exploring in close with a kayak during calm to moderate conditions. Access to the lighthouse is ...